Mysteries of Hawai'i Honolulu Ghost Tours

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Haunted Koloa Tree Tunnel

Haunted Koloa Tree Tunnel

Headed towards the Southern shore, we take the scenic route through the famous Tree Tunnel on Maluhia Road. Aptly named, the Tree Tunnel is made up of hundreds of fragrant, century-old eucalyptus trees planted along nearly a mile of roadway whose branches seem to reach across the road creating a beautiful tunnel of shade and foliage. Many late-night travelers claim that the Tree Tunnel is haunted.

One night, four brothers were driving back to Lihue after spending the day in Koloa town. The oldest was driving their mother’s new truck and, as they rounded out the end of the s-curves, the truck started to sputter and lose power. The oldest brother continued to drive, hoping to make it out of the tunnel of trees before the truck died altogether but, to no avail.

This new truck, which hadn’t had any problems before, stopped in the middle of the road, in the middle of that long stretch of trees. Maluhia Road has a very slight incline, so one cannot see the end, or the cars coming towards you until you make it to the top of that incline. A little freaked out, the young men saw the yellowish shine of lights on the tree canopy up ahead, indicating that a car was coming towards them. As the light grew brighter, they expected to see the vehicle and its headlights come over the incline any second. Suddenly, the light vanished.

Surprised, the brothers waited a few seconds but no care came towards them. Completely freaked out now, the eldest young man tried to start the truck and the engine turned over on the first crank as if it never died out in the first place. He raced to the end of the tunnel as fast as he dared. None of the boys have an explanation for what happened. The mechanics at their local shop saw nothing in their diagnostics and there was no indication of anything that would make the truck die out.

As for the strange light that just vanished, some have said it was Pele, others say it could have been the night marchers, and some unseen force caused the vehicle to stop so as not to encounter the ghostly procession. We’ll probably never know.


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